InnovationLab InnovationLab

Innovation Lab

The Innovation Lab is Trouw Nutrition's research and development (R&D) laboratory. With our broad applied and fundamental scientific knowledge and advanced lab capabilities, the InnovationLab supports and evaluates new ideas and novel products within the innovation processes of our Trouw Nutrition R&D teams.

The Innovation Lab research team comprises highly educated researchers and research technicians with a variety of expertises, ensuring that what we do is knowledge-driven and grounded in solid and specialized experience. The team serves, supports and collaborates with all research areas within Trouw Nutrition R&D and beyond, including the ingredient research, discovery and species-specific research teams.

Innovation Lab research team

Our Innovation Lab research team is made up of motivated and experienced researchers and research technicians, working in an advanced and well-equipped R&D laboratory. It brings together scientific knowledge and innovative lab capabilities to support and evaluate new ideas and novel products. By pursuing the highest laboratory standards, the Innovation Lab creates a strong, knowledge-based foundation to provide the business with both direct and indirect scientific and innovative product support.

We continuously work to strengthen our lab capabilities and scientific knowledge in molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, analytical chemistry, formulation, in vitro screening assays and in vitro digestion models. Our strong collaboration with external labs, universities and companies is key to expanding our scientific knowledge and lab capabilities.

Building our scientific knowledge through new approaches to analysis

In order to support nutritional and functional solutions at the life-science level, the Innovation Lab analyses the effects of our innovative products and ideas using molecular biology, microbiology and immunology techniques within dedicated lab areas with specialised equipment to support these functions as effectively as possible.

Analytical chemistry is also very important for expanding our scientific knowledge on nutritional and functional solutions. For this, we collaborate with MasterLab, one of Europe’s top laboratories in the animal nutrition, human food and pharmaceutical markets.

In addition, we use novel in vitro screening assays and in vitro digestion models to gain more insight into the effects of different ingredients, raw materials and additives. This enables us to rapidly screen and pre-select potential bioactives more efficiently so that only the most promising products end up in Trouw Nutrition’s R&D projects.

We have also created a new area within the Innovation Lab to support advanced formulations for new innovative products.

By applying science-driven lab technologies and innovative analysis techniques, Innovation Lab provides Trouw Nutrition Research and Development with a knowledge-based foundation to support its nutritional and functional solutions.
Mike de Bruijni, Operations Manager R&D Laboratory

Other teams:

Modelling & Data Science
Poultry Research
Ruminants Research
Swine Research
Ingredient Research
Global Validation